Short Comments on the state of our nation from posters on the internet.

The Enemy from Within

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less ***formidable, for he is known and carries the banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their faces and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of men. He rots the sole of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. ” Marcus Tullius Cicero, dated 42 BC.

Comments on the state of our nation from posters on the internet.

This isn’t an administration. Rather, it is a regime. And the sooner we appreciate that fact, with all its ramifications, the better prepared we will be.

1984 is here: our gov’t is seizing our phone records, restricting our political freedoms, taking our DNA, dictating what we eat, drink & think.

I’m afraid people are clueless as a whole in what is to come.

It sickens me (breaks my heart), to see where we find ourselves today; how we could debase ourselves by electing a man who clearly cares nothing for the welfare of America and those who live here.

Obama, instead of banning our freedom, our rights, and taking our money,why don’t you just try leaving us the hell alone & see how that works out?

 Where the people fear the government you have tyranny. Where the government fears the people you have liberty.” The government fears the people and the coming conflagration it has sparked. By tightening its grasp on liberty through the militarization of the police force, the pendulum is swinging to where the people are now beginning to fear their government*****

Is this what your ancestors busted their butts for so you could sit around and whine about an elderly person utilizing a program they paid for their entire life?

Actions speak louder than Sweet Political Rhetoric, Generous hollow promises, and Cheap Hope-filled Platitudes, which the Soros controlled Media eagerly helps to spread across the Nation.

I don’t like having a government committee manage our health care in any way. However, we now have a Democratic controlled health care program and the Democratic Party is fully behind abortion in most situations. That and that alone should give all seniors some real concern as I question how they will see any value in our lives as we age and become a burden to them.

In the first two years of their joint reign, Obama and Bernanke have waged a hidden inflation war on the middle class that has fleeced more wealth from folks on Main Street than the previous 20 years combined.

For decades, the Left has been putting on a play with themselves as heroes in an ongoing civil rights movement — which they were mostly absent from at the time. Long after pervasive racial discrimination ended, they kept pretending America was being run by the Klan and that liberals were black America’s only protectors.

“What could possibly be so embarrassing in your college records from 29 years ago that you are afraid to let America’s voters see? If it’s THAT bad, maybe it’s something the voters ought to see.” Suddenly the tables are turned. Now Obama is on the defensive.                                               Free trade’ (freedom to exploit)and’globalisation’ (global dictatorship)

Poor Brad he has not discovered they both want to control his every move,take his property and and teach his children to be a compliant worker.

Hillary was a 27 year old young attorney assigned to be part of the prosecution team for Watergate. Her boss, a lifetime Democrat fired her. Why? For unethical and unprofessional behavior. Some things never change.
Government, influenced by the United Nations, is stealing American land and resources as Agenda 21 Sustainable Development is implemented in all states

Agenda 21 wears a green cloak of caring and happiness to hide its much darker trappings.

EDUCATION, EDUCATION Was a mantra in the old Soviet Union. It is not education but a thriving economy that drives income. Without the entrepreneur to create jobs there is nothing left but the dole or unproductive government work.

Destroying our liberty by centralizing control in the executive branch. You have to be dumb not to perceive it.

The terms “communism”, “socialism”, “Marxism”, “New World Order” etc., may be worn out and abandoned. The names change, because deception is one of the rules of the game

“Enhanced Driver’s Licenses” supported by Obama and Janet Napolitano, head of Homeland Security, have been proposed to have transmitters for tracking whereabouts of all Americans at any time.

It was obvious from the beginning that a global economy would lead to one thing only … the standard of living for ordinary Americans would decrease. Whether it be NAFTA, GATT, or any other trade treaty, the labor value of American workers would get hosed. And it was not limited to only high school graduates, but college educated ***engineers, computer scientists, doctors, et al would suffer as well.

Washington has thrown away taxpayer dollars and they still want more. When will the outrage end?

.Now back to how are we going to find jobs for our kids, and take care of our seniors?

I have a grandson fast approaching military age. I will do everything in my power as his grandfather to keep him from joining the military, deploying to some middle east crap hole with the chance that he may not return. And for what ? An administration that on it’s face is corrupt, careless and thoughtless.

Where an excess of power prevails, property of no sort is duly respected. No man is safe in his opinions, his person, his faculties, or his possessions.”James Madison

The Republican-led House approved a bill May 23 that would also set interest rates to the yield on the 10-year Treasury, plus a markup. That bill, unlike the Obama plan, includes an interest rate cap that proponents say would protect students.

I’ve heard some say that Capitalism is not perfect,,,? This may true, but until a better way to have a “Government for the people and by the people” is found,,,, let’s stay with Capitalism. We know, again, from historical facts that any other form of Government will not work, except for “The Elites”, and that is only temporary.

The first thing Socialism does, before banning and outlawing hand guns, is to control the “Mainstreet” New Media. That is also a historical established fact!

With the expansion in food stamps, Obamacare and so forth the goal of the Left is clearly to get as large a percentage of the American people beholden to the government as possible as a preparatory step to fundamental change. Socialism and Regulation of every aspect of our lives.

One thing the President and his party have shown over the past four years is that when it comes to health care reform, they cannot be trusted.They not only cut $750 billion from Medicare to help fund Obamacare, but they have repeatedly fudged the numbers and hidden the true cost and consequences of this legislation on all Americans, but seniors especially.

Their was a time that Democrats nor Republican would have tolerated a President that ignored Laws enacted by Congress and signed into law. The idea that he can ignore what he chooses or at will change what he doesn’t like is outrageous but I hear no outrage.It’s tragic what this despicable man is being allowed to do and even worse those who for a little taste of power are willing to help. (media)

Talk radio would be exactly the type of First Amendment speech the Founders had in mind when they wrote the Bill of Rights.
Under the Guise of Helping the Common Man,
Obama and Bernanke Shelled Out Trillions
to Keep Their Banker Friends Afloat . .

The private Federal Reserve and the global bankster millionaires are handed trillions of tax payer dollars while in collusion with factors on Wall Street to destroy the foundations of our economy, and they face no penalty.

Food prices have risen every month since June of 2010 and 57% in the first two years of President Obama’s term in office.

Ayn Rand said, “The Constitution is a limitation on the government, not on private individuals … it does not prescribe the conduct of private individuals, only the conduct of the government … it is not a charter for government power, but a charter of the citizen’s protection against the government.”

This nation needs a 10 year moratorium on all immigration. We need to stop this invasion of our nation and destruction of our future.

It matters little what your race, creed or color—as an American citizen, you and your children will become victims of this “Human Katrina” flooding into our country.Obama is a front-man demagogue for the same force that controlled Boy Bush, Clinton, Father Bush, Carter, ad infinitum; but the difference is that he has been hyped to such hysterical proportions that he will be allowed to get away with far more than they were.

evil face 2